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How to Prepare for Refugee Hearing Canada – An Easy Guide!

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Canada is a safe and peaceful haven for people who have been looking for refugee status. There may be any reason that the individual might not have had the proper career opportunity or some other reason, like climate change, that may lead the people to move to another country. Canada is considered the preferred location for international immigration. 

Have you also applied for a refugee claim in Canada? Do you have any questions? Have you been looking for information about how to prepare for refugee hearings in Canada? Then, we are here to provide our readers with general information. For professional assistance, trust Can Sky Visa Immigration Services.

A Guide in Preparing for Your Refugee Hearing Canada 

At the refugee hearing, there is a need to provide evidence that shows who you are, why you left your country, and how you came to Canada. The evidence includes the information and details in the Basis of Claim (BOC) Form and what the person has to say in the hearing. The evidence also includes all the documents and essential details that have been provided to the Refugee Board. It also includes any witnesses who testify at the person’s refugee hearing. The witnesses are only helpful in supporting the claim, and there is no need to use them at the hearing. The person’s legal representative must ensure the accuracy of the evidence and if there are any differences or mistakes. 

Let us continue this journey of providing readers with information about how to prepare for refugee hearings in Canada

Reasons That Refugee Claim Can Be Refused 

There may be many reasons that the refugee claim can be refused, such as the information needs to be more accurate or there is missing information.

Discover below the following reasons why the refugee claim might not be accepted:

  • When the information in the BOC is different from the immigration file 
  • When the details in the BOC are different than the evidence submitted
  • When the testimony at the refugee hearing is different than the information and details in the BOC or what is being said to the officer when making the refugee claim 

Missing Documents

Did you know that the refugee claim can still be accepted in the absence of some specific documents? The reason is that some documents take work to obtain, as they may be lost or destroyed. Make a note of what is being done to obtain the documents and how others have also helped. At the hearing, one can best explain why they could not obtain the documents and the efforts they have put in. 

Please stay on the page to acquire more profound information about how to prepare for refugee hearings in Canada. 

Documents Translation

If the documents are in another language, they need to be translated into English or French with the help of the translator. The declaration at the translator’s end includes the following:

  • A statement indicating that the translation is appropriate and accurate
  • The original document’ language and dialect if any 
  • The name of the translator with the statement that they are fluent in the original document’s language 
  • The translation date and the translator’s signature 

Scheduling for the Hearing

There are mainly two conditions, which can be explained below while continuing the journey toward how to prepare for a refugee hearing in Canada: 

  1. If the person has Counsel: If the person has a lawyer or any legal representative, the Refugee Board will contact them to schedule the hearing date. If the lawyer has changed, then this information needs to be updated. 

  2. If the person does not have Counsel: In the absence of the legal representative, the Refugee Board will send the Notice to Appear mentioning the hearing date. The mailing address must be correct with the Refugee Board. 

Exceptional Circumstances 

Though it is not possible to change the hearing date, location, and time, but under “exceptional circumstances,” it can be achieved. It includes the situations like:

  • The legal representative is not available on the hearing date 
  • There is a movement to some other location 
  • There is some emergency or any event that is beyond the control 
  • There is a need for the new date due to the person’s unique needs or of the family member 

File Review Process and Short Hearings for Refugees in Canada

Most claims are scheduled for a half-day hearing that usually lasts four hours. Some refugee claims can be seen without hearing, and this phenomenon is called an expedited hearing. Other claims can be chosen for short hearings. These happen for less complicated claims and can last for two hours. These types of hearings are referred to as short hearings for refugees in Canada. Significantly, the person should appear for the hearing. 

Language Rights 

There is a right to have the hearing in French or English. However, there is a need for an interpreter if both languages are not known.

In BOC, there is a need to fill in the language information that the person has chosen for the hearing. However, in the absence of this process, or if there is a need to change the language or dialect, there is a requirement to tell the Refugee Board in writing before ten days of the hearing. 

Embark on the Journey for the Refugee Hearing Canada with Expert’s Guidance 

There is a crucial need to plan before the hearing date. Be ready with your documents, witness and keep track of the hearing dates and also gain insight into the list of questions at the refugee hearing Informational. However, this entire process is challenging.

Thus, to navigate it with ease and have peace of mind, Can Sky Visa Immigration Services be here to assist you. Connect with us and have stress-free experiences to start on a new journey. Also, be updated about the latest news on refugee hearings in Canada Informational to be on the track. 

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